Who is eligible to try out for Morgan State Cheerleading?
Incoming freshman or transfer students who have been admitted into the University, and full-time undergrad or graduate students who are in good standing with the University.
Do I have to be accepted to Morgan State University before I can tryouts?
You do not have to be formally accepted to the university, however you must show proof of a submitted application.
Do I have to know how to tumble?
In order to be selected as a Cheer Bear, it is MANDATORY that you be able to do a minimum of a toe touch back handspring, and multiple back handsprings to fulfill running tumbling requirements.
What are the tumbling requirements to be considered for the Competition Team?
We traditionally require minimum standing tumbling of double toe touch tuck, but two to a layout is preferred. Running tumbling should include a layout or full.
Do you have a Coed team?
No. We currently only have an ALL-GIRL team.
How many cheerleaders are typically on your teams?
36 - 40 cheerleaders.
Do you offer any scholarships for cheerleaders?
Yes. A limited amount of scholarships are available for high performing, qualified applicants with Competition Team Skills.
When are Tryouts?
Morgan State conducts tryouts in mid April to early May every year. Incoming freshmen are able to tryout at this time prior to graduation. In extremely rare instances, the coaching staff will decide to conduct another tryout during the season.
Are the Morgan State Cheer tryouts open or closed to friends and family?
Closed. No spectators are permitted.
What are the responsibilities of being a Morgan State Cheerleader?
Morgan State Cheerleading is a major time commitment for both the fall and spring semesters. The cheerleading year begins in August with our first practice and camp, and does not end until mid-April. Team members can expect to practice 5 days per week, for 2-3 hours. We cheer at all home football games, home men’s and women’s basketball games, perform at various on-campus pep rallies, perform for various community and school events, and participate in volunteer services.
Do your teams compete?
YES! We compete at the NCA College Cheerleading National Championship in Daytona, Florida in April.
On what kind of surface does Morgan State practice? Compete?
We practice on a foam cheer mat floor. The NCA College Nationals are also on a foam cheer mat floor.
What will be the makeup of the competitive cheer teams?
All Girl will compete with 20 females on the mat with 3 to 4 alternates.
Will I need to schedule my classes around practices?
Yes. You will be advised in your departmental area of study. You will then need to look at schedule of classes and create a schedule that works around our practice schedule.
Does your program handle requests for outside appearances/clinics?
Yes. To request and schedule an appearance with the cheerleading program, please contact Theresa Gibson, Head Coach, at morganstatecheer@gmail.com​
If you have a question that is not answered above? Send us an email!